Annual Spring Conference 2023
Mathematics for Each and Everyone!
Yes, the Annual Spring Conference will return to a full conference on Friday, April 21 and Saturday, April 22 in Duluth! Peter Liljedahl, the author of Building Thinking Classrooms will be Friday's keynote speaker. Three of the co-chairs from the MN Academic Standards Review will be the Saturday keynotes.
Share your learning with your mathematics colleagues. We are seeking Speaker Proposals! Not sure of how to write a session description? Read this article for helpful hints.
Symposium 2023
The full day symposium on Thursday, April 20, returns after 4 years! MCTM and MDE are excited to learn with Peter Liljedahl, author of Building Thinking Classrooms. A copy of the book Building Thinking Classrooms will be included in the registration fee of $195. 2023 Symposium Registration
Do you need Financial Support to attend the Conference and Symposium?
Check out this month's Foundation Update for information about scholarships and grants to support your attendance at this year's Symposium and Spring Conference. Applications due February 20th.
Nominate someone you know (or yourself) to be on the MCTM Board! Elections will be for Regions 1, 4 and 7 Directors as well as the Vice President of High School. Learn more here.
Renew your MCTM Membership Is it time to renew or start a new sustaining membership for $25? Sustaining memberships go toward supporting the Annual Spring Conference, promotes networking and professional learning opportunities.
NCTM is introducing a new webinar series that can be directly applied to your classrooms, Classroom Conversations. Each month, NCTM will hand-pick a Classroom Resource — which can include Illuminations, Problems of the Week —and highlight how you can implement it into your classrooms. For more resources, you can join NCTM.
NCTM Notice and Wonder Explore this site with activities and professional learning opportunities. Notice and Wonder provide fun and engaging mathematics prompts to spark the sense of curiosity that leads students to understand that math is everywhere!
M3 Challenge is a free online math modeling competition for high school juniors, seniors, and sixth form students. During Challenge weekend, teams spend 14 hours using the math modeling process to analyze, make predictions about, and provide insight into an open-ended, real-world problem. Registration is open now.
Stay connected with MCTM by following us on social media.